USE Playground go -- This is the full script for Management.GrantPermsToSP. First create the schema -- if it does not exist. EXEC is needed, since CREATE SCHEMA must be alone in a -- batch. IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.schemas WHERE name = 'Management') EXEC('CREATE SCHEMA Management') go -- Drop any existing and procedure and table type, in case we want to recreate -- them. IF object_id('Management.GrantPermsToSP') IS NOT NULL DROP PROCEDURE Management.GrantPermsToSP IF type_id('Management.Permission_list') IS NOT NULL DROP TYPE Management.Permission_list go -- The interfaces uses a table type. CREATE TYPE Management.Permission_list AS TABLE(perm nvarchar(400) PRIMARY KEY) go CREATE PROCEDURE Management.GrantPermsToSP @spname nvarchar(520), @permissions Management.Permission_list READONLY, @debug bit = 0 AS -- Make sure that we stop on errors. SET XACT_ABORT ON -- Set up variables. Names of the certificate and user, and the -- throw-away password. DECLARE @sql nvarchar(MAX), -- For our dynamic SQL. @certname sysname, @certuser sysname, @password char(37) = convert(char(36), newid()) + 'a', @cert_subject sysname, @object_id int = object_id(@spname) -- Check that the procedure exists. IF @object_id IS NULL BEGIN RAISERROR('Procedure %s does not exist', 16, 1, @spname) RETURN 1 END -- Check that @spname is not in another database or server. IF parsename(@spname, 3) IS NOT NULL OR parsename(@spname, 4) IS NOT NULL BEGIN RAISERROR('Cannot sign procedures in a different database or server', 16, 1) RETURN 1 END -- Normalise the procedure name and set the certificate from the unquoted -- name. (With the latter names there is potentially a risk for truncation, -- which we ignore.) SELECT @spname = quotename( + '.' + quotename(, @certname = CASE WHEN o.schema_id > 1 THEN + '.' ELSE '' END + + '$cert' FROM sys.objects o JOIN sys.schemas s ON o.schema_id = s.schema_id WHERE o.object_id = @object_id -- And form name of user SELECT @certuser = @certname + 'user' -- If the certificate exists, clean it up. IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.certificates WHERE name = @certname) BEGIN -- If some other procedure is signed with the certificate, this is wrong. IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.certificates c JOIN sys.crypt_properties cp ON c.thumbprint = cp.thumbprint WHERE = @certname AND cp.major_id <> @object_id) BEGIN RAISERROR('Certificate %s has been used to sign another procedure than %s', 16, 1, @certname, @spname) RETURN 1 END -- If the given procedure is signed, drop the signature. IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.certificates c JOIN sys.crypt_properties cp ON c.thumbprint = cp.thumbprint WHERE = @certname AND cp.major_id = @object_id) BEGIN SELECT @sql = 'DROP SIGNATURE FROM ' + @spname + ' BY CERTIFICATE ' + quotename(@certname) IF @debug = 1 PRINT @sql EXEC(@sql) END -- Drop the certificate and any user tied to it, no matter the name. SELECT @sql = CASE WHEN IS NOT NULL THEN 'DROP USER ' + quotename( + char(13) + char(10) ELSE '' END + 'DROP CERTIFICATE ' + quotename( FROM sys.certificates c LEFT JOIN sys.database_principals u ON c.sid = u.sid WHERE = @certname IF @debug = 1 PRINT @sql EXEC (@sql) END -- If the user exists at this point, this is unexpected. IF user_id(@certuser) IS NOT NULL BEGIN RAISERROR('After dropping the certificate %s, user %s still exists', 16, 1, @certname, @certuser) RETURN 1 END -- Quit here, if no permissions were given. IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @permissions) BEGIN PRINT 'Procedure not signed - no permissions were given' RETURN 0 END -- Determine the subject from the permissions given. Again, we permit -- truncation. SELECT @cert_subject = 'GRANT ' + (SELECT CASE row_number() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)) WHEN 1 THEN '' ELSE ' - ' END + perm FROM @permissions FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'nvarchar(MAX)') -- Maks sure that the subject is syntactically valid. SELECT @cert_subject = '"' + replace(@cert_subject, '"', '""') + '"' -- Create the certificate. SELECT @sql = 'CREATE CERTIFICATE ' + quotename(@certname) + ' ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = ' + quotename(@password, '''') + ' WITH SUBJECT = ' + quotename(@cert_subject, '''') IF @debug = 1 PRINT @sql EXEC(@sql) -- Sign the procedure. Recall that @spname was normalised above, why no -- quotename. SELECT @sql = 'ADD SIGNATURE TO ' + @spname + ' BY CERTIFICATE ' + quotename(@certname) + ' WITH PASSWORD = ' + quotename(@password, '''') IF @debug = 1 PRINT @sql EXEC(@sql) -- Create the user. SELECT @sql = 'CREATE USER ' + quotename(@certuser) + ' FROM CERTIFICATE ' + quotename(@certname) IF @debug = 1 PRINT @sql EXEC(@sql) -- Grant the permissions requested (or add to role). Need to force the -- collation, for the query to work in contained databases. SELECT @sql = (SELECT CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.database_principals dp WHERE = p.perm COLLATE Latin1_General_100_CI_AS_KS_WS_SC AND dp.type = 'R') THEN 'ALTER ROLE ' + quotename(p.perm) + ' ADD MEMBER ' + quotename(@certuser) --THEN 'EXEC sp_addrolemember ' + quotename(p.perm, '''') + ', ' + quotename(@certuser, '''') ELSE 'GRANT ' + p.perm + ' TO ' + quotename(@certuser) END + char(13) + char(10) FROM @permissions p FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'nvarchar(MAX)') IF @debug = 1 PRINT @sql EXEC(@sql) go