
Updates an object in abasysobjects - insert, update or delete. It always adds a row to abahistsysobejcts. On deletion of an object that is a parent, children are deleted recursively.


This procedure is called from the Perl routine abasqlfile, the core routine which is used by ABASQL, DBBUILD and the update scripts generated by DBUPDGEN. (That is, the AbaPerls file-loading process.)


Normally you would not call this procedure yourself.



@objname sysname -- Name of object.

@isdeletion bit = 0 -- Object is being dropped from the database.

@subsystem ap_subsystem -- Subsystem to which object belongs.

@ss_version smallint -- Version number in source control.

@ss_label ap_sslabel -- Version-control label,

@vc_repository ap_path -- Path to repository from which object was loaded

@repositoryid ap_repositoryid -- The id for the repository.

@path ap_path -- Path to directory on disk or VC-path

@scriptname ap_scriptname -- Name of build tool or update script.

@ntuser ap_ntname -- Name of user running the tool/script.

@hostname ap_ntname -- From which host @ntuser is running.

@domain ap_ntname -- Info which domain @ntuser is logged into.

@filename ap_filename -- File in which @objname resides.

@filetype ap_filetype -- Extenstion of @filename

@md5hash ap_md5hash -- MD5 hash for the file.

@parent sysname = NULL -- Parent object if any.

@storageproperties nvarchar(MAX) = NULL -- Comma-separated list of storage properties to be stored in abaobjectstoragesettings.

@cmdtext nvachar(MAX) = NULL -- Command text to create the object, currently only relevent for index and statistics.

@filechildrenonly bit = 0 -- If 1, the objects dropped are those definied in the same file as the table.